Friday, 10 December 2021

The Cruze Awards!

Can't believe this will be my final post as a primary schooler and as a PCS student. 
Good luck to all my Year 6 fellow graduates and all the best at Intermediate.
To all my Year 5 friends, it's your turn to lead with mana. 

T4W8 - Distance Learning - Innovation Mini STEAM project 8

With gaming fast gaining popularity worldwide as well as becoming a lucrative way of earning some decent coin, It's only a matter of time before E-Sports will make it's way into the Olympic Games. But is it really a sport?

Friday, 3 December 2021

T4W7 - Distance Learning - Innovation Mini STEAM Project 7

Creating games isn't as fun as playing them.
But I think I'm on to a winner of a business idea so let me know if you want to invest.

Friday, 26 November 2021

T4W6 - Distance Learning - Innovation Mini STEAM Project 6: Transport

Guess this theme song...
Transporters, more than meets the eye. Transporters, WAKA in disguise.
Now sing it like you mean it!

T4W6 - Cybersmart Clinic with whaea Tamzin

It's important to give credit where credit is due.
Acknowledging original artist behind the art you borrowed from them is important because their time and effort went into creating that piece of art that took you seconds to mouse drag into your work. The least you can do is invest a little time with a few mouse clicks to find out the original source & let your audience know. 

Friday, 19 November 2021

T4W5 : LCS Distance Learning - Innovation Mini STEAM Project 5 Food Tech

First week of learning at Alert Level 3.2 
Attended all the Clinics. CHECK
Completed all the Daily Challenges. CHECK
I will attempt to complete a Home Create over the weekend.
Also, writing instructions for simple tasks is a LOT harder than it sounds!

Daily Challenge: 19th of November

Another week of Daily Challenges done and dusted